Extra Curricular Clubs
We offer an extensive range of extra-curricular clubs aimed at different ages and catering for different interests.
Our external clubs include sports such as football, cricket, rounders, athletics, musical theatre, gardening, French, taekwondo, gymnastics and science. Our clubs are very popular and change subject to demand and requests.
Children are also able to join our Chamber Choir from Key Stage Two. We offer 1:1 tuition through the Bromley Youth Music Trust - click here for registration. Instruments being offer can vary as they are subject to demand and request. We work very closely with BYMT who hold regular 'try an instrument' day throughout the year. From Year 3, children will learn the recorder as part of the curriculum. In addition, we have group sessions using djembe drums and steel pan drums.
Rocksteady Music School also provide rock and pop band lessons, giving pupils the chance to play in a band and get hands-on experience playing drums, guitar, keyboard or vocals. Further details can be obtained from the school office or from the Rocksteady website.
How to apply
A copy of the external clubs can be found below which includes their contact details. Registration should be done directly with the club.
As the clubs are run by external providers, they will advise directly their start and finishing dates as they may differ from any of our internal clubs. Should you have any queries regarding external clubs, then please liaise directly with the external providers.
Spring Term 2025 External Clubs
Autumn Term 2024 External Clubs
Spring Term 2024 External Clubs
Key Information
We should like to remind all parents and carers to carefully check the dates of clubs on the club application form. Be aware that internal clubs (provided by staff/parents) always start in the second week of the term and finish in the penultimate week.
Please note should pupils not be collected from clubs on time, they will automatically lose their place and the space will be allocated to the next person on the waiting list.
Internal Clubs
As some of the clubs are run 'in house', there may a nominal charge to cover items that are made during the session and then taken home. Please remember...our in-house clubs are run by the teachers in their own time and we are very grateful to all of the staff for giving up their very valuable time. The school office will circulate details of any internal clubs and advise as to how you can register and provide sufficient details regarding timings, collection points etc.